Welcome to the Outercraft Wiki!
The Outercraft Wiki is a collection of all information for the Outercraft SMP Minecraft server. Here you can find info on plugins, commands, characters, locations and more.
Important Articles
Featured screenshot

Edgar's Farmstead: Outercraft Season 2 - Stillwich
You've found yourself at the Outercraft SMP Wiki. Outercraft is a Java/Bedrock Minecraft server that anyone can join! This wiki documents all the information about the server in one convenient location. If you are not part of the server and would like to join you can apply in our Discord!

Recent news
NPC Shops -- 06/20/2023
- New pages for the available NPC Shops are here! Also, all shops in game have been updated and optimized.
Beginner's Guide -- 06/12/2023
- The wiki now has a Beginner's guide for new players! This will cover the first few steps from spawn to claiming your first base.
Jewel Crafting -- 05/15/2023
- Jewel Crafting is here! Get yourself a Jeweller's Table to start crafting powerful Weapons and Armor!